The size of salary slips should be small enough to make one tissue paper-sized fold and kept in a shirt pocket. Make sure the pay slips are not very long.

We are giving a few important tips if you plan to design your very own salary slips for your company employees. However, anyone can design their own custom salary slips for their employees. Even small businesses do have salary slips, either designed by them or paid to a design by someone expert in this field.

Pay slips are designed by the accounts department people in any governmental institution, a private company, or any other business firm. Pay slips need to be taken care of and kept a record of to keep a check of the payment history and make any corrections if there happen to be any with the accounts department. It also has information on all the applicable taxes and charges to the employee and also all the paid allowances, basic pay, and other bonuses. Salary slips are short but very important documents since these are the record of the salary of any employee which hold the details of all the payments which are done to the employee. Here is the download button for this Salary Slip Template created using MS Word.

The download button for this pay slip template is here. Here is the download button for this template. The download button for this template is here. Here is the download button for this Salary Slip Template. Here are the previews of our Salary Slip Templates created using MS Word. You just need to have MS Word installed on your PC before you can plan to start editing this slip template. Since this salary template is created using MS Word so it is very easy to edit or customize it per any situation possible. You can also easily extend it by adding your own information as per your company’s employee policy. In this Salary Slip Template, you can notice that it provides ample space for mentioning critical salary particulars such as Provident Fund, Traveling Allowance, Loan Deductions(if any), HRA, E.S.I., and many more.

The second part of the above statement is however the responsibility of both the employer and the employee. It is the responsibility of the employer (either government or private businessman or company) to pay their employees on time and keep a check of the financial records. The pay of employees is usually on weekly basis, but in most cases all over the world, employees are paid monthly. The employees of all the earlier stated and not stated fields are paid. There are millions and billions of jobs from banking, labor, writers, teachers, and whatnot. People are employed every day in both the public (government) and private sectors. Here is our collection of Free Salary Slip Templates to help you create your own slip.